Return & Exchange Policy

Return Policy

In order to be eligible for a return, you must apply for a return within 14 days of delivery.

The item must be in the same condition as you received it, unused and in its original packaging. You will also need your receipt or proof of purchase.

You can contact us at to initiate the return process. If you comply with the return requirements, we will send you a return shipping label as well as instructions on how and where to ship your package. Products returned to us without a return request will not be accepted. For any return questions, you can always contact us at or via the contact form on our website.

Refund Policy

After we receive and review your return, if it meets the return conditions, you will automatically be refunded to your original payment method for your order. Please note that it may also take some time for your bank or credit card company to process and send the refund.

No refund will be given for orders where the customer entered the wrong address. Our responsibility is to deliver packages to the given address.

Please make sure your address is correct before purchasing.

We are also not responsible for lost or stolen packages and no refunds will be given in this case.